Custom Healthcare Web Development


The idea of the project was creating a community of people challenged with different diseases to provide the live communication among them and help them overcome their difficulties. A serious project as it is demanded to build a respectively considerable site that would with all its features grab peoples' attention.

  • Technologies and platforms: PHP, MySQL, xAjax, Joomla!® CMS
  • Effort: 8 man-months

Why Belitsoft

Initially, the community builds when new people register using the embedded form. Then comes the logging in, and already registered members obtain a range of options that they might make use of, including:

  • perform a comprehensive search;
  • share and send messages to each other;
  • express emotions with special icons that reflect a certain state of mind;
  • add other users to the profile;
  • upload and leave documents online;
  • keep up the blog and use forum;
  • change the font size.

The dimensions of the community grow (5000+ members) and that proves the fact that it is a fairly popular site with the developed network of people who come here to find friends, share their experience and support each other.

Our PHP Development Company did a good job on creating a comprehensive user zone that allows to view all the registered members and permits people to participate in the online life of one big community. In the section dedicated to illnesses, users are enabled to associate into groups, share opinions, write posts on the forum, put ratings. In the treatment section, a user sets the degree of how well this treatment helped him, and this is taken into account when calculating ratings. In addition, they may add their own illness or treatments that the administrator of the system should approve.

In general the generated system has the immense resources for the potential users who'd like to be integrated in it and take active participation in its life.


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